103 research outputs found

    Gelagat Kepatuhan Zakat Perniagaan di Negeri Kedah Darulaman

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    Collection of zakat on business throughout the country is at very disappointing, although all states have regulations which obligate zakat payment through zakat institution. Previous zakat reports and researches have shown that the main factor that contributes to this problem was a low level of compliance behavior of zakat on business among business owner. Prior literatures in zakat have less to clarify this phenomenon. This condition adversely affects the zakat collection since the potential of zakat on business in increasing the zakat collection in the future was enormous. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the factors that influence compliance behavior on business zakat. By using the theory of planned behavior, this study identify whether the basics of the theory such as attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavorial controls could explain intention and compliance behavior in business zakat environment. The decomposition approach and higher-order conceptualization as well as moderation construct tests were employed in this study. These approaches were adapted to develop a compliance model that is parsimonious and to understand the intention and compliance behavior in clearer manner. In general, there were six objectives in this study. The first objective was to investigate the basics dimension in attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavorial controls constructs. The second objective was to develop the first order construct which was established in the first objective that achieved the reliability and validity degree to qualify it as a second order factor. Further, the third objective was to determine the influence of the second order factor of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavorial controls on intention to comply. This was followed by the fourth objective which was to determine the influence of moderation construct of cash flow and religiosity on the relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavorial controls with the behavorial intention. The fifth objective was to investigate the relationship between intention and perceived behavorial controls on the compliance behavior, and ended with the last objective which was to determine the influence of moderation construct of the level of businessman's confidence towards zakat institution over the relationship between intention and behavior. The survey and questionnaire methods were used for collecting data. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were applied on the data collected from 227 respondents, who were selected through simple random sampling. Exploratory factor analysis result showed that several dimensions emerged in the attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavorial controls. These basics dimensions were further tested in the confirmatory factor analysis for the purpose of establishing reliability, unidimensionality, and validity of the construct. Construct with problem were dropped from the further analysis. Result from the structural model showed that second order construct of perceived behavorial controls which represented by self-efficacy, tax rebate, zakat payment facility and businessmen perception towards amil zakat were found to have significant positive relationship with the intention to comply. Second order attitudes construct which consist of agreed and rejected dimensions were found to have a direct significant correlation towards compliance behavior. Meanwhile, moderation construct of cash flow was found to have significant influence on the relationship between attitude and subjective norm with intention, while optional religious worship significantly influence the relationship between subjective norm and intention. Further, intention and perceived behavorial control influence compliance behavior positively and significantly. The above findings have several implications towards theory, measurement and policy. In general, the finding of the study is consistent with the theory of planned behavior as well as prior researches either in zakat area or other fields. This finding strengthens the assumption that the theory of planned behavior is appropriate for the study in understanding the compliance behavior in zakat on business environment, which is considered unique because laws are exist, but its enforcement is not implemented seriuosly. Decomposition approach, typical conceptualization and the influence of moderation construct have made the model of zakat on business compliance behavior having better goodness-of-fit and more parsimonious. For the zakat authority, the findings of this study shall provide a good foundation to form new strategy and effort to attract more businessman to pay business zakat in the future

    The mediating effect of perceived behavioural control on the relationship between zakat law enforcement and intention to pay zakat

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    This paper aims to propose a conceptual framework for examining the influence of mediating effect of perceived behavioural control on the relationship between zakat law enforcement and intention to pay zakat among Muslim in State of Kano, Nigeria. An extensive literature review method was utilized to identify and analyse relevant literatures in order to propose the conceptual framework. This paper proposed framework to show those relationship. Theoretical and practical implications of the paper as well as suggestions for future research were also discussed

    Zakat dan persepsi buruk masyarakat

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    ANTARA isu yang sering menjadi perhatian masyarakat terutamanya dalam bulan Ramadan adalah mengenai zakat.Isu ini timbul setiap kali ada laporan atau pendedahan oleh media berkenaan fakir miskin yang terdapat dalam negara.Penangan media sosial juga menyebabkan isu tidak menerima bantuan ini seringkali menjadi panas

    Pelaburan TH tidak patuh syariah

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    BARU-­BARU ini penulis ada menerima pertanyaan daripada seorang rakan mengenai status pelaburan Tabung Haji (TH) yang dikatakan tidak patuh syariah.Agak memeranjatkan juga apabila ditanya betulkah pelaburan TH 2013-­2014 adalah tidak patuh syariah atau dalam bahasa kasarnya adalah haram

    Yang penting apa akhirnya

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    TEKA-TEKI mengenai pasukan mana yang menjadi juara Piala Eropah 2016 telah terjawab. Uraum mengetahui pasukan Portugal telah dinobatkan sebagai juara dengan menewaskan Perancis, 1-0 dalam perlawanan akhir baru-baru in

    SPM bukan penentu segalanya

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    KEPUTUSAN peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia  (SPM) telah diumumkan baru-­baru ini.Menurut Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Datuk Dr. Khair Mohamad Yusof, pencapaian keseluruhan SPM 2013 adalah yang terbaik dalam tempoh lima tahun berdasarkan indeks nilai Gred Purata Nasional (GPN)

    Perlukah PTPTN laksana model mikro kredit AIM

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    TARIKH 30 September lepas merupakan tarikh akhir pemberian diskaun kepada para peminjam Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional(PTPTN).Menurut rekod, sejak pemberian diskaun 20 peratus (%) tersebut diumumkan dalam Bajet 2013, seramai hampir 80,000 peminjam telah tampil untuk melangsaikan hutang PTPTN.Jumlah ini menunjukkan peningkatan dan penerimaan peminjam terhadap penawaran diskaun yang diberikan oleh pihak kerajaan.Bagaimanapun,sebahagian besar peminjam masih berdegil untuk menjelaskan hutang ini. Laporan PTPTN mendedahkan bahawa pada masa ini masih terdapat 400,000 peminjam tegar yang gagal membayar pinjaman.Jumlah hutang peminjam tegar ini ialah RM2.3 bilion

    Hikmah di sebalik kisah Azizul dan Shalwati

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    KISAH pasangan Azizul Raheem Awalludin dan Shalwati Norshal yang ditahan di Sweden kerana mendidik anak-anak mereka supaya tidak meninggalkan solat mendapat perhatian umum. Kedua-dua pasangan ini dipenjarakan sementara menunggu perbicaraan di bawah Akta Perlindungan Kanak-kanak Sweden.Rentetan kisah yang menyayat hati ini, sedikit cebisan senyuman dan harapan dibutirkan oleh pihak kexajaan Malaysia apabila berjaya membawa pulang keempat-empat anak pasangan ini ke tanah air.Sebelum ini mereka diserahkan kepada keluarga bukan Islam di Sweden setelah ibu bapa mereka ditahan pihak berkuasa Sweden

    Syarikat korporat perlu contohi TH

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    PADA 29 Julai yang lepas ada dilaporkan di dalam akhbar ini mengenai sasaran Tabung Haji (TH) untuk meningkatkan jumlah agihan zakat daripada RM1.6 juta pada tahun ini kepada RM3 juta pada tahun hadapan. Jumlah penerima wang zakat juga akan ditingkatkan sehingga 3,000 orang

    Transformasikan pemberian BR1M, elak salahguna bantuan

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    ISU mengenai penyalahgunaan wang Bantuan Rakyat lMalaysia (BRIM) sering berlegar-legar dalam kalangan masyarakat. Dakwaan ini seolah-olah ada kebenarannya apabila baru-baru ini, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Serf Tengku Adnan Tengku Man­sor mendedahkan ramai penerima BRIM menyalahgunakan wang yang diberikan untuk tujuanperjudian
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